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HACCP Training UK

HACCP Training UK

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point or HACCP is one of the most common approaches to food safety management. However, in order to implement it into an organisation successfully, HACCP training UK is essential. At CaterSafe Consultants, we can help your business to succeed with HACCP through our HACCP training courses.

HACCP Training UK in Food Manufacturing – Which course is right for your team?

Some of the most popular HACCP Training UK courses that we offer are our level awards for HACCP in Manufacturing. We have levels that vary in complexity depending on the needs of your business. We recommend all staff in a food manufacturing environment to firstly take our Level 2 Award For HACCP For Manufacturing.

The level two award is an excellent introduction to food safety management systems. It provides students with a real understanding of the Codex HACCP principles. The course then explains how the HACCP principles can then help to support a food manufacturing business. HACCP training provides detail, understanding and application to adopt it in your workplace. The course only lasts a day meaning your team are not taken away from their tasks for too long, minimise the disruption to productivity.

For team members that play an active role in the development of HACCP principles and the management of food safety, then our Level 3 Award For HACCP For Food Manufacturing is ideal. This meets the requirement of responsible staff having sufficient training for HACCP principles. It also gives learners an in-depth insight into the 12 Codex steps to HACCP to help improve safe food production.

This intensive and engaging course lasts for five days. At the end of the course, students may receive their qualification, which is fully compliant with industry and regulatory standards.

Not sure which HACCP Training UK is right for you?

If you would like your team to have improved HACCP knowledge, training can be invaluable. Our food safety consultants can help to determine which course is right for your team members and develop a food safety training plan for your business. If you’d like to find out more, ring CaterSafe Consultants on 01233 822 201 to arrange a free consultation.