
Find out about HACCP training courses

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) is a popular, methodical and effective way to manage food safety. In 2006, a new regulation was passed that all food and beverage businesses must have a food safety management system in place. Furthermore, the system must base itself on HACCP principles. As well as this, food businesses must keep up to date records of its operations.

CaterSafe Consultants can help to bring your business up to speed with HACCP through a range of HACCP training courses delivered in-house or externally. We also offer a comprehensive Introduction To HACCP Level Two online e-learning course. This course is ideal for food businesses as it allows delegates to complete the course at a convenient time without lowering productivity or impacting production.


What is HACCP?

HACCP was originally a food safety system developed by NASA. NASA pioneered

HACCP training courses

 the system for increased food safety during the space race. Since then, it has evolved, and many businesses in the food and beverage industry utilise its principles. In 2006, The Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2006, as well as the equivalent regulations in the rest of the UK, simplified the legislation to align with HACCP principles.

HACCP principles have certainly made it easier for businesses to implement a food safety management system. However, it is vital that companies within the food industry can prove due diligence and conformance to HACCP. Complying with a HACCP strategy can lower the risk of a serious incident and can help you legally if something goes wrong.

During visits and inspections, the Environmental Health Officer is likely to ask to see your HACCP plan incorporated in your food safety management system. If you fail to comply, then you may face a fine. As well as this, you may face the prospect of closure either temporarily or permanently. With this in mind, HACCP and HACCP training courses are critical to your business success and profitability.


How can HACCP Training courses help?

HACCP is essential to your food safety management system. As a result, it is vital that your team has full knowledge of HACCP and how to implement it successfully in your organisation. HACCP training courses will begin by introducing the key terminology and aspects of HACCP.

With foundations in place, training can then focus on how to identify hazards. This then leads to understanding the appropriate critical control points you need in place. Hazard analysis and critical control identification can then ensure full compliance and a high standard of food safety.

CaterSafe Consultants recommend the Introduction To HACCP Level Two course to all teams who interact with food during their work. This comprehensive e-learning course allows people to learn at their own pace and at a convenient time. Furthermore, it makes it easy to train new employees as soon as they begin work. This takes away the stress and difficulty of organising regular training sessions.

Want to find out more about HACCP Training?

For more details, please call 01233 822 201 or contact a member of our consultancy team for more information.

Food Safety Training Ashford, Kent

HACCP Training Courses

CaterSafe Consultants offer a full range of HACCP training courses for people who are in the catering or food manufacturing industries. Please see the full list below…


The gaining of this qualification will enable individuals to understand the importance of implementing a food safety management system, based on the Codex HACCP principles, in a catering environment. They will learn their role in ensuring the effective operation of the HACCP system and gain the knowledge to identify, control and monitor hazards at points critical to food safety within their business. They will also understand the importance of taking corrective action when critical limits are breached and become familiar with the documentation and records needed to support a HACCP system.

Duration of course: 1 day 


This qualification further expands on the fundamentals of the Level 2 Award in HACCP for Catering. It is suitable for supervisors, managers, chefs, trainers and HACCP team members employed within a catering environment.

Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 requires that ‘those responsible for the development and maintenance of the HACCP system have received adequate training in the application of the HACCP principles’.

This qualification will provide candidates with the knowledge to develop, implement and maintain a food safety management system based on Codex HACCP principles, in a catering environment. They will understand the legal requirements pertaining to HACCP and the flexibility allowed, the importance of prerequisite programmes and the role of supervisors in monitoring, taking corrective action, completing and checking documentation and verifying and reviewing the HACCP system.

It is recommended that candidates have completed the Level 3 Award in Food Safety, before attending this course.

Duration of course: 3 days 


The Level 4 HACCP qualification is aimed primarily at learners either at, or working towards, a management level in a catering business. Achievement of either of these qualifications will enable learners to understand the importance of implementing a food safety management system, based on the Codex HACCP principles, and give learners the skills to evaluate HACCP plans critically.

It is highly recommended that individuals have already completed a Level 4 Award in Food Safety, or the equivalent, and/or a Level 3 HACCP qualification before attending this course.

This qualification is very useful for auditors, enforcers, trainers and other food safety professionals.This qualification covers the skills needed to assist in the implementation of a HACCP system, to evaluate HACCP plans critically and to understand the importance of having an effective HACCP system in place.

Duration of course: 5 days 


This qualification will allow individuals to understand the importance of implementing a food safety management system, based on the Codex HACCP principles, in a Food Manufacturing environment. They will learn their role in ensuring the effective operation of the HACCP system and gain the knowledge to identify, control and monitor hazards at points critical to food safety within their business. They will also understand the importance of taking corrective action when critical limits are breached and become familiar with the documentation and records needed to support a HACCP system.
Duration of course: 1 day 


This regulated qualification expands on the fundamentals of the Level 2 Award in HACCP in Manufacturing.

Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 requires that ‘those responsible for the development and maintenance of the HACCP principles have received adequate training in the application of the HACCP principles’. In order for employees to deal competently and confidently with this requirement, a thorough understanding of Codex HACCP principles is needed.

Those achieving this qualification will understand how the 12 Codex steps to HACCP contribute to safe food production. They will learn:

how to identify, control and monitor significant hazards at points which are critical to food safety; the appropriate corrective action to take when critical limits are breached; the type of documentation and records required; an understanding of the need to review the HACCP system at appropriate times.

This qualification is fully compliant with industry and regulatory standards, as well as being recognised by environmental health practitioners, auditors and other enforcement officers. Individuals achieving this qualification will understand the importance of adapting HACCP principles for product-based and process-led situations.
Duration of course: 5 days 


Level 4 HACCP qualifications are aimed at learners either at, or working towards, a management level in a manufacturing business. Achievement of either of these qualifications will enable learners to understand the importance of implementing a food safety management system, based on the Codex HACCP principles, and give learners the skills to evaluate HACCP plans critically.
It is highly recommended that individuals have already completed a Level 4 Award in Food Safety, or the equivalent, and/or a Level 3 HACCP qualification before attending this course.

These qualifications are useful for auditors, enforcement officers and other food safety professionals.
Duration of course: 5 days 

NB: All of the above accredited training courses are accredited by either HABC or the CIEH.

For more details, please contact a member of our training team.

 Office: 01233 822 201