CaterSafe AuditingFood Safety Training Ashford, Kent

One of the best ways to have a comprehensive overview of your food business, hygiene and food safety management is through conducting regular auditing. CaterSafe Audits can help you to continually improve your business and ensure you are always following best practice approaches.

What Is Auditing?

Auditing plays a vital role in the food industry. It helps to ensure compliance as well as seek out any problems and highlight good practices. Audits can also help to provide the necessary documentation and due diligence. This can be particularly helpful when it comes to Environment Health Officer inspections.

How CaterSafe Auditing Can Help

Our audits can help with;

  • Showing your commitment to improving food safety and quality
  • Providing a fresh pair of eyes from an inspector’s perspective
  • Problem-solving for food safety issues or inspector remarks
  • Independent verification of food quality
  • Obtaining maximum score for the National Food Hygiene Rating Scheme
  • Potential marketing opportunities.

CaterSafe Auditing

Our audits are ideal if you are preparing for inspection or simply want regular spot checks to ensure your high food safety standards never fall short.

Implementing third-party audits truly shows your commitment to food safety which instills trust for both customers and inspectors.

Furthermore, with our auditing, you can help to boost your ‘confidence in management’ rating which is a critical part of the National Food Hygiene Rating Scheme that is applicable across the UK.

In the National Food Hygiene Rating Scheme, a score of five means that hygiene standards are very good. This is what all food businesses should strive for. With our auditing, training and food safety management system implementation, we can help you to achieve a maximum score. As a result, you can have the sticker on your premises that will impress your customers, and you can show with pride.

Contact CaterSafe Consultants

Find out more about CaterSafe auditing, by getting in touch with our audit team or call 01233 822 201.